I'd like to speak to the Yeneral ManaYer / SHeneral ManaSHer

Most Spanish learners don't pronounce the /dsh/ sound correctly.

Ja, je/ge, ji/gi, jo and ju are pronounced with the /dsh/ sound, but most of you just pronounce it as if it were a /y/ consonant sound, whereas Argentinians or Uruguayans make their characteristic /sh/ sound. Besides, you usually  make a /ch/ sound when these sounds come at the end of words like chanGE, oranGE, languaGE.

The /dsh/ sound is somewhere between /ch/ and /sh/. Look at the following words:
Choose              Cheap
Juice /dshuÚs/    Jeep /dshiÍp/
Shoes                 Sheep

It's the same sound you can find in other romance languages: JAneiro, JE t'aime, GIOvanni.

And now practice with the following words:
Jacket       Jazz         Japan
German    General    Jewish
Gym         Ginger      Religion
John         Jordan      Job
Jump        Jungle       Jupiter
Manage    Challenge Age

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