"Desde hace" no es "since ... ago". Errores con since y for.

La traducción de "desde hace" es "for".

Frases como las siguiente son difíciles de traducir: Trabajo en esta empresa desde hace cinco años. La traducción literal pero incorrecta sería: I work (present simple) at this company since five years ago. Pero en inglés diremos lo siguiente: I'VE workED (present PERFECT) at this company FOR five years.


Since isn't read /sains/ but /sins/

Pronunciation: Many of you read the word since as /sains/, but the right pronunciation is /sins/. Why? I explain this pattern on the article about flat and dipthong souns.


Since + specific moments. For + periods of time.

I've worked for this company ... since 2010 / for three years.
I'm living in this appartment ... since January / for a few weeks.
She's been feeling sick ... since Monday morning / for a couple days.
The band has been playing together ... since the eighties / for decades.
I haven't seen you ... since I moved to Scotland / for ages.


Don't forget to use for

In Spanish, it's common to say: Estudié muchas horas, and not Estudié POR/DURANTE muchas horas. However, in English we have to use FOR in that position:

I studied FOR many hours.
I've been on the road FOR six hours.
You have to wait FOR thirty minutes.
We talked FOR a while.

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