Translating DE: The company employees or the employees of the company?

The Spanish preposition "de" can be translated in many different ways. The two most common of those are the preposition "of", and changing the order.

Using "of":

Something belongs to: The employees of the company, the passengers of this flight.
Content in a container: A cup of coffee, a box of chocolates, a barrel of oil.
Many institutions: The Bank of England, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the London School of Economics.

Changing the order:

Kind of/cathegory: The security staff, a cowboy hat, a computer technician.
Adjectives/material: Plastic bottles, a leather jacket, a chocolate cake.

Translations in the first comment below.

Una lata de judías = 
Un coche de carreras = 
Crema de cacahuete = 
Un tarro de mermelada = 
Una caja de cartón = 
La reina de Inglaterra = 
La batería del móvil = 
El jefe de operaciones = 
Las llaves de la moto = 

1 comentario:

  1. Una lata de judías = A tin of beans
    Un coche de carreras = A racing car
    Crema de cacahuete = Peanut butter
    Un tarro de mermelada = A jar of jam
    Una caja de cartón = A cardboard box
    La reina de Inglaterra = The Queen of England
    La batería del móvil = The battery of the mobile
    El jefe de operaciones = The operations manager
    Las llaves de la moto = The keys of the motorbike
