How, as, like. Tres palabras en inglés para decir "como".

Otro "very common mistake". Varias palabras en inglés se suelen traducir "como" o "cómo" al español, y por eso se suelen confunfir. Pero si nos fijamos las traducciones alternativas de cada una, acertaremos.

HOW: cómo (con acento), de qué manera, de qué modo.

Tell me how you made it.     
How can I get one of these?
Can you explain me how to get to the old town?
I'm trying to figure out how to open this window.

AS: como, tal como, como si (as if), de la manera que, a medida que, trabajar/servir de, ya que.

Just do it as I told you.  
She acted as if she didn't know me.
She works as a freelance journalist.
You'll become more patient as you grow older.
As I was in London for business, I decided to visit the museums in the evening.

LIKE:  como, igual que, parecido a, como por ejemplo.

Don't cry like a baby!
You speak like a Victorian Lord.
Learning a language is like getting a whole new life.
Some mammals like dolphins or whales live in the sea.

And finally, here are some exercises to practice. You'll find the answers in a comment.

Getting this job is ________ a dream.
Check ________ we can obtain a visa to get in the country.
I'm reading a book on ________ to start online businesses.
This newspaper will do ________ an umbrella for a while.
We tried to fix it ________ you told us on your last email, but it didn't work.
Chinese Americans are ________ bananas. Yellow skin but white inside.
________ you drive to the North, you'll see ________ the lands look greener.
I don't understand ________ you can study and listen to music at the same time.
Companies ________ Facebook or Google have changed the way we communicate.

1 comentario:

  1. Getting this job is LIKE a dream.
    Check HOW we can obtain a visa to get in the country.
    I'm reading a book on HOW to start online businesses.
    This newspaper will do AS an umbrella for a while.
    We tried to fix it AS you told us on your last email, but it didn't work.
    Chinese Americans are LIKE bananas. Yellow skin but white inside.
    AS you drive to the North, you'll see HOW the lands look greener.
    I don't understand HOW you can study and listen to music at the same time.
    Companies LIKE Facebook or Google have changed the way we communicate.
