Errores con los artículos THE, A y los posesivos.

Los alumnos españoles cometen muchos errores usando artículos, esas pequeñas palabras delante de los sustantivos (LA mesa, EL hombre, UN día, MI trabajo). Los más comunes es usar THE demasiado, no usar A y los posesivos. Os lo explico en inglés.

Countable and uncountable nouns


Before looking at these mistakes, you must understand the difference between the following nouns.
Countable nouns: They may be singular or plural.  Email and emails. Friend and friends. Person and people.
Uncountable nouns: They have no plurals. Food. Space. Money. Work. Experience. Water.

Overusing THE


Don't use THE before plural and uncountable nouns when talking in general. Examples:

In general: I drink coffee every morning.
Specific: How much for THE coffee? (the cup you've just drunk)

In general: Children are very creative.
Specific: Who's taking THE children to school today? (our kids, honey! no others')

Missing A articles


In Spanish, sometimes you don't use any article before a singular countable noun. You can't do this in English. In most cases an A (undefined article) is missing. Examples:

Soy profesor = I'm A teacher.
Cuando era niño = When I was A child.
¿Tenemos clase hoy? = Are we having A class today?

Possesive articles: my, your, his, her, ...


Possesive articles in English are far more common than in Spanish. Use them when you know who the owner is.

¿Dónde dejé EL coche? = Where did I leave MY car?
Ponte LA chaqueta = Put YOUR jacket on.
La empresa subió el salario a LOS trabajadores = The company raised THEIR workers' wages.

Frequent places and meals

Don't use any article before frequent places such as home, work or school. Don't use them either before meals, i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner. Maybe possesives at times. Examples:

Can you make dinner tonight?
I usually have breakfast at work.
When I was at school, I used to take lunch from home.


Fill the gaps with THE, A or a possesive article. Leave them blank when neccesary. Answers below in comments.

_____ time is _____ gold.

He's still _____ College student.

Don't forget to close _____ windows.

I keep all _____ money in _____ bank.

_____ young people don't like _____ hard work.

I don't usually cook _____ rice.

I really like _____ music in this club.

_____ people are too busy to study languages.

I'm _____ passenger, not _____ terrorist!

Do you have _____ time off this evening?

I'll have _____ dinner with friends at Tony's.

Do you want to eat out or have dinner at ____ home?

Have you seen that man who has just left _____ shop?

Let me use _____ computer to check _____ email.

_____ company invests much money in training _____ staff.

_____ Italian people are very concerned about _____ looks.

When I was at  _____ school, I used to watch too much TV.

_____ new Managing Director lacks _____ experience in this industry.

They want me to wear _____ suit every time I meet _____ clients.

_____ United Kingdom lost _____ world leadership after WWII.

1 comentario:

  1. _____ time is _____ gold.

    He's still A College student.

    Don't forget to close THE windows.

    I keep all MY/THE money in A/THE bank.

    _____ young people don't like _____ hard work.

    I don't usually cook _____ rice.

    I really like THE music in this club.

    _____ people are too busy to study languages.

    I'm A passenger, not A terrorist!

    Do you have _____ time off this evening?

    I'll have _____ dinner with friends at Tony's.

    Do you want to eat out or have dinner at ____ home?

    have you seen that man who has just left THE shop?

    Let me use YOUR computer to check MY email.

    THE company invests much money in training THEIR staff.

    _____ Italian people are very concerned about THEIR looks.

    When I was at _____ school, I used to watch too much TV.

    THE new Managing Director lacks _____ experience in this industry.

    They want me to wear A suit every time I meet _____ clients.

    THE United Kingdom lost ITS world leadership after WWII.
